Photobucket 7 desperate minutes

Thursday, December 09, 2004 soo happiee.i finally started training!we did physical 2daee.but mah goshh.we really slacken really alott!we lost all our feels soo tiring during ta runh.and doin all ta physicals.we realliee hafta bark up! mah arms muscles started ta ache.yeaa.tts least muscles aree growing.i felt soo gulity after wad loh told us.if we aree not gonna train harder than other climbers.we will neva truee.i feel soo damn superduper slack after wad he said.mann..bessieeyee where's yur determination gonee ta?oac is treatin us soo well.realliee cant let oac down.we cant slack animoree.gonna show sum results ta loh first. im gonna start gg climbasia at least 2times per week.and haf a consecutive training wit de other climbers.i realliee hafta climb well also not ta disappoint corrinee and mah frens.mann.i gonna makee it orites.i neo it'll tek a long timee fer mee ta suceed.but im not gonna loss hopee and kepon climbing and climbing till i made it.yeayeayeayeayeaa.
wenta meet waiaungsweets fer shopping.mah gosh!she's on skirt!she so look great 2daee orites.wenta look fer gowns fer her cousin's wedding.mann.saw a super glam gown frm zara.mann.soo freakin glamorous can.wenta fareast ta search fer gowns.mannn..we saw this whitee gown.mahgosh!!is damn elegant and irresistibly superduper nicee!when waiaungsweets put it on is likee..drool~waiaung yew should realliee get ta nicest gown tt i ever seen orites.after we had enuff of gowns.we wenta catch a moviee "after the sunset" at lido.i do not hafta describee wad is it a great moviee.all ta beachbummers mus realliee hafta catch it.ta island is damn freakin nicee can.i wanna go der man.da sexeh lola is woah!jus lurvee da moviee.had a realliee enjoyablee hotdatee wit waiaungsweets.heees.sigh.waiaung is also gonna leavee mee 3 weeks timee she's gonna go back ta myanmar!fer likee 11daes!is soo torturing fer mee not ta see her fer 11daes!soo gonna miss herr.yeaa.qiz's gonna bee back in 2daes timee!wonder wads she doin wit jac noww.hahaharr.


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